AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
4 dayschange domain to push-f.comMartin Fischer
5 daystente: bump stateVersion to 24.11Martin Fischer
5 daystente: add cgitMartin Fischer
5 daystente: add headscaleMartin Fischer
5 daysrefactor: introduce domains.nixMartin Fischer
5 daysrefactor(tente): group servicesMartin Fischer
5 daystente: give group access to /srv/gitoliteMartin Fischer
In preparation for cgit.
7 daystente: add nginxMartin Fischer
7 daysrefactor: move firewall config upMartin Fischer
7 daysrefactor: define scripts in filesMartin Fischer
9 daystente: change dataDir of gitolite to /srv/gitoliteMartin Fischer
From the default of /var/lib/gitolite.
10 daysfix(zsh): fix error on git over SSHMartin Fischer
10 daystente: enable gitoliteMartin Fischer
10 daysupgrade nixos-small to 24.11Martin Fischer
10 daysgit: enable push.autoSetupRemoteMartin Fischer
11 daysenable SSH host-specific terminal background colorsMartin Fischer
11 daysrefactor: move part-specifics out of .zshrcMartin Fischer
11 daysfix(zshrc): don't append PATH if already presentMartin Fischer
11 daysadd VPS configMartin Fischer
12 daysadd pciutils and usbutilsMartin Fischer
12 daysadd creative toolsMartin Fischer
12 daysupgrade to nixos-24.11Martin Fischer
12 daysadd developer toolsMartin Fischer
12 daysadd tailscaleMartin Fischer
12 daysenable ssh-agentMartin Fischer
12 daysmove swaybar to bottomMartin Fischer
12 daysadd toolsMartin Fischer
12 daysadd firefox, pipewire and thunderbirdMartin Fischer
12 daysdisplay battery in swaybarMartin Fischer
12 daysincrease font size in footMartin Fischer
12 daysadd vimMartin Fischer
12 daysadd zshMartin Fischer
12 daysadd gitMartin Fischer
12 daysadd custom keyboard layoutMartin Fischer
I've been using my own custom variant of Colemak Mod-DH since at least 2019.
12 daysadd swayMartin Fischer
The config is the default config copied from /etc/sway/config.
12 daysrefactor: enable host-specific configurationMartin Fischer
12 daysrefactor: switch to npinsMartin Fischer
niv is written in Haskell, while npins is written in Rust. I'm more comfortable with Rust. npins also seems more actively maintained. The files in npins/ were generated with: nix-shell -p npins npins init --bare npins add --name nixos channel nixos-24.05
12 daysrefactor: make configuration.nix main entry pointMartin Fischer
12 daysclean up configuration.nixMartin Fischer
12 daysadd config files generated by graphical NixOS installerMartin Fischer
2024-11-29import Mosberger
I (Martin) squashed the commits up to the currently latest (37b7f370e36f1a1e90f746e0a4f80582058f7d55).