path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0432c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#![doc = include_str!("../")]
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+use proc_macro2::Group;
+use proc_macro2::Ident;
+use quote::format_ident;
+use quote::quote;
+use quote::quote_spanned;
+use quote::ToTokens;
+use syn::parse_macro_input;
+use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
+use syn::token::Brace;
+use syn::token::Gt;
+use syn::token::Lt;
+use syn::token::Trait;
+use syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments;
+use syn::Block;
+use syn::Expr;
+use syn::GenericArgument;
+use syn::GenericParam;
+use syn::ImplItemMethod;
+use syn::ItemTrait;
+use syn::Path;
+use syn::PathArguments;
+use syn::PathSegment;
+use syn::Signature;
+use syn::Stmt;
+use syn::TraitBound;
+use syn::TraitItem;
+use syn::TraitItemMethod;
+use syn::Type;
+use syn::TypeParam;
+use syn::TypeParamBound;
+use syn::TypePath;
+use syn::Visibility;
+use syn_utils::TypeMatcher;
+use crate::parse_assoc_type::parse_assoc_type;
+use crate::parse_assoc_type::AssocTypeParseError;
+use crate::parse_trait_sig::parse_trait_signature;
+use crate::parse_trait_sig::MethodParseError;
+use crate::parse_trait_sig::SignatureChanges;
+use crate::parse_trait_sig::TypeTransform;
+mod parse_assoc_type;
+mod parse_trait_sig;
+mod syn_utils;
+macro_rules! abort {
+ ($span:expr, $message:literal) => {
+ quote_spanned! {$span => compile_error!($message);}.into()
+ };
+pub fn dynamize(_attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut original_trait = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemTrait);
+ assert!(original_trait.auto_token.is_none());
+ let original_trait_name = original_trait.ident.clone();
+ let mut objectifiable_methods: Vec<(Signature, SignatureChanges)> = Vec::new();
+ let mut assoc_type_conversions: HashMap<&Ident, &Type> = HashMap::new();
+ for item in &original_trait.items {
+ if let TraitItem::Type(assoc_type) = item {
+ match parse_assoc_type(assoc_type) {
+ Err((_, AssocTypeParseError::NoIntoBound)) => continue,
+ Err((span, AssocTypeParseError::AssocTypeInBound)) => {
+ return abort!(span, "dynamize does not support associated types here")
+ }
+ Err((span, AssocTypeParseError::GenericAssociatedType)) => {
+ return abort!(
+ span,
+ "dynamize does not (yet?) support generic associated types"
+ )
+ }
+ Ok((ident, type_)) => {
+ assoc_type_conversions.insert(ident, type_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for item in &original_trait.items {
+ if let TraitItem::Method(method) = item {
+ let mut signature = method.sig.clone();
+ match parse_trait_signature(&mut signature, &assoc_type_conversions) {
+ Err((_, MethodParseError::NonDispatchableMethod)) => continue,
+ Err((span, MethodParseError::UnconvertibleAssocType)) => {
+ return abort!(
+ span,
+ "associated type is either undefined or doesn't have an Into bound"
+ )
+ }
+ Err((span, MethodParseError::AssocTypeInInputs)) => {
+ return abort!(
+ span,
+ "dynamize does not support associated types in parameter types"
+ )
+ }
+ Err((
+ span,
+ MethodParseError::AssocTypeInUnsupportedReturnType
+ | MethodParseError::UnconvertibleAssocTypeInFnInput,
+ )) => return abort!(span, "dynamize does not know how to convert this type"),
+ Err((span, MethodParseError::UnconvertibleAssocTypeInTraitBound)) => {
+ return abort!(span, "dynamize does not support associated types here")
+ }
+ Err((span, MethodParseError::ImplTraitInInputs)) => {
+ return abort!(
+ span,
+ "dynamize does not support impl here, change it to a method generic"
+ )
+ }
+ Ok(parsed_method) => objectifiable_methods.push((signature, parsed_method)),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ let mut method_impls: Vec<ImplItemMethod> = Vec::new();
+ let mut blanket_impl_attrs = Vec::new();
+ let mut dyn_trait_attrs = Vec::new();
+ // FUTURE: use Vec::drain_filter once it's stable
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < original_trait.attrs.len() {
+ if original_trait.attrs[i].path.is_ident("blanket_impl_attr") {
+ let attr = original_trait.attrs.remove(i);
+ let group: Group = match syn::parse2(attr.tokens) {
+ Ok(g) => g,
+ Err(err) => {
+ return abort!(
+ err.span(),
+ "expected parenthesis: #[blanket_impl_attr(...)]"
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ let tokens =;
+ blanket_impl_attrs.push(quote! {#[#tokens]});
+ } else if original_trait.attrs[i].path.is_ident("dyn_trait_attr") {
+ let attr = original_trait.attrs.remove(i);
+ let group: Group = match syn::parse2(attr.tokens) {
+ Ok(g) => g,
+ Err(err) => {
+ return abort!(err.span(), "expected parenthesis: #[dyn_trait_attr(...)]")
+ }
+ };
+ let tokens =;
+ dyn_trait_attrs.push(quote! {#[#tokens]});
+ } else {
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut dyn_trait = ItemTrait {
+ ident: format_ident!("Dyn{}", original_trait.ident),
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ vis: original_trait.vis.clone(),
+ unsafety: original_trait.unsafety,
+ auto_token: None,
+ trait_token: Trait::default(),
+ generics: original_trait.generics.clone(),
+ colon_token: None,
+ supertraits: Punctuated::new(),
+ brace_token: Brace::default(),
+ items: Vec::new(),
+ };
+ for (signature, parsed_method) in objectifiable_methods {
+ let mut new_method = TraitItemMethod {
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ sig: signature,
+ default: None,
+ semi_token: None,
+ };
+ let fun_name = &new_method.sig.ident;
+ let args = new_method
+ .sig
+ .inputs
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(idx, arg)| match arg {
+ syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => quote! {self},
+ syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => match pat_type.pat.as_ref() {
+ syn::Pat::Ident(ident) => match &parsed_method.inputs[idx] {
+ None => ident.ident.to_token_stream(),
+ Some(transforms) => {
+ let args = (0..transforms.len()).map(|i| format_ident!("a{}", i));
+ let mut calls: Vec<_> =
+ args.clone().map(|i| i.into_token_stream()).collect();
+ for i in 0..calls.len() {
+ transforms[i].append_conversion(&mut calls[i]);
+ }
+ let move_opt =|_| quote! {move});
+ quote!(#move_opt |#(#args),*| #ident(#(#calls),*))
+ }
+ },
+ _other => {
+ panic!("unexpected");
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ // in order for a trait to be object-safe its methods may not have
+ // generics so we convert method generics into trait generics
+ if new_method
+ .sig
+ .generics
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .any(|p| matches!(p, GenericParam::Type(_)))
+ {
+ // syn::punctuated::Punctuated doesn't have a remove(index)
+ // method so we firstly move all elements to a vector
+ let mut params = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(generic_param) = new_method.sig.generics.params.pop() {
+ params.push(generic_param.into_value());
+ }
+ // FUTURE: use Vec::drain_filter once it's stable
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < params.len() {
+ if matches!(params[i], GenericParam::Type(_)) {
+ dyn_trait.generics.params.push(params.remove(i));
+ } else {
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ new_method.sig.generics.params.extend(params);
+ if dyn_trait.generics.lt_token.is_none() {
+ dyn_trait.generics.lt_token = Some(Lt::default());
+ dyn_trait.generics.gt_token = Some(Gt::default());
+ }
+ }
+ let mut expr = quote!(#original_trait_name::#fun_name(#(#args),*));
+ if new_method.sig.asyncness.is_some() {
+ expr.extend(quote! {.await})
+ }
+ parsed_method.return_type.append_conversion(&mut expr);
+ method_impls.push(ImplItemMethod {
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ vis: Visibility::Inherited,
+ defaultness: None,
+ sig: new_method.sig.clone(),
+ block: Block {
+ brace_token: Brace::default(),
+ stmts: vec![Stmt::Expr(Expr::Verbatim(expr))],
+ },
+ });
+ dyn_trait.items.push(new_method.into());
+ }
+ let blanket_impl = generate_blanket_impl(&dyn_trait, &original_trait, &method_impls);
+ let expanded = quote! {
+ #original_trait
+ #(#dyn_trait_attrs)*
+ #dyn_trait
+ #(#blanket_impl_attrs)*
+ #blanket_impl
+ };
+ TokenStream::from(expanded)
+fn generate_blanket_impl(
+ dyn_trait: &ItemTrait,
+ original_trait: &ItemTrait,
+ method_impls: &[ImplItemMethod],
+) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
+ let mut blanket_generics = dyn_trait.generics.clone();
+ let some_ident = format_ident!("__to_be_dynamized");
+ blanket_generics.params.push(GenericParam::Type(TypeParam {
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ ident: some_ident.clone(),
+ colon_token: None,
+ bounds: std::iter::once(TypeParamBound::Trait(TraitBound {
+ paren_token: None,
+ modifier: syn::TraitBoundModifier::None,
+ lifetimes: None,
+ path: Path {
+ leading_colon: None,
+ segments: std::iter::once(path_segment_for_trait(original_trait)).collect(),
+ },
+ }))
+ .collect(),
+ eq_token: None,
+ default: None,
+ }));
+ let (_, type_gen, _where) = dyn_trait.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let dyn_trait_name = &dyn_trait.ident;
+ quote! {
+ impl #blanket_generics #dyn_trait_name #type_gen for #some_ident {
+ #(#method_impls)*
+ }
+ }
+struct AssocTypeMatcher;
+impl TypeMatcher<Path> for AssocTypeMatcher {
+ fn match_path<'a>(&self, path: &'a Path) -> Option<&'a Path> {
+ if path.segments.first().unwrap().ident == "Self" {
+ return Some(path);
+ }
+ None
+ }
+impl<TypeMatch, PathMatch, T> TypeMatcher<T> for (TypeMatch, PathMatch)
+ TypeMatch: Fn(&Type) -> Option<&T>,
+ PathMatch: Fn(&Path) -> Option<&T>,
+ fn match_type<'a>(&self, t: &'a Type) -> Option<&'a T> {
+ self.0(t)
+ }
+ fn match_path<'a>(&self, path: &'a Path) -> Option<&'a T> {
+ self.1(path)
+ }
+impl TypeTransform {
+ fn append_conversion(&self, stream: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
+ match self {
+ TypeTransform::Into => stream.extend(quote! {.into()}),
+ TypeTransform::Map(opt) => {
+ let mut inner = quote!(x);
+ opt.append_conversion(&mut inner);
+ stream.extend(quote! {.map(|x| #inner)})
+ }
+ TypeTransform::Result(ok, err) => {
+ if !matches!(ok.as_ref(), TypeTransform::NoOp) {
+ let mut inner = quote!(x);
+ ok.append_conversion(&mut inner);
+ stream.extend(quote! {.map(|x| #inner)})
+ }
+ if !matches!(err.as_ref(), TypeTransform::NoOp) {
+ let mut inner = quote!(x);
+ err.append_conversion(&mut inner);
+ stream.extend(quote! {.map_err(|x| #inner)})
+ }
+ }
+ _other => {}
+ }
+ }
+/// Just a convenience trait for us to avoid match/if-let blocks everywhere.
+trait As<T> {
+ fn get_as(&self) -> Option<&T>;
+ fn get_as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>;
+impl As<AngleBracketedGenericArguments> for PathArguments {
+ fn get_as(&self) -> Option<&AngleBracketedGenericArguments> {
+ match self {
+ PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => Some(args),
+ _other => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AngleBracketedGenericArguments> {
+ match self {
+ PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => Some(args),
+ _other => None,
+ }
+ }
+impl As<Type> for GenericArgument {
+ fn get_as(&self) -> Option<&Type> {
+ match self {
+ GenericArgument::Type(typearg) => Some(typearg),
+ _other => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Type> {
+ match self {
+ GenericArgument::Type(typearg) => Some(typearg),
+ _other => None,
+ }
+ }
+fn path_segment_for_trait(sometrait: &ItemTrait) -> PathSegment {
+ PathSegment {
+ ident: sometrait.ident.clone(),
+ arguments: match sometrait.generics.params.is_empty() {
+ true => PathArguments::None,
+ false => PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
+ colon2_token: None,
+ lt_token: Lt::default(),
+ args: sometrait
+ .generics
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| match param {
+ GenericParam::Type(type_param) => {
+ GenericArgument::Type(Type::Path(TypePath {
+ path: type_param.ident.clone().into(),
+ qself: None,
+ }))
+ }
+ GenericParam::Lifetime(lifetime_def) => {
+ GenericArgument::Lifetime(lifetime_def.lifetime.clone())
+ }
+ GenericParam::Const(_) => todo!("const generic param not supported"),
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ gt_token: Gt::default(),
+ }),
+ },
+ }