// Copyright 2014-2017 The html5ever Project Developers. See the
// COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.


Implements the `match_token!()` macro for use by the HTML tree builder
in `src/tree_builder/rules.rs`.

## Example

match_token!(token {
    CommentToken(text) => 1,

    tag @ <base> <link> <meta> => 2,

    </head> => 3,

    </body> </html> </br> => else,

    tag @ </_> => 4,

    token => 5,

## Syntax

Because of the simplistic parser, the macro invocation must
start with exactly `match_token!(token {` (with whitespace as specified)
and end with exactly `})`.

The left-hand side of each match arm is an optional `name @` binding, followed by

  - an ordinary Rust pattern that starts with an identifier or an underscore, or

  - a sequence of HTML tag names as identifiers, each inside "<...>" or "</...>"
    to match an open or close tag respectively, or

  - a "wildcard tag" "<_>" or "</_>" to match all open tags or all close tags

The right-hand side is either an expression or the keyword `else`.

Note that this syntax does not support guards or pattern alternation like
`Foo | Bar`.  This is not a fundamental limitation; it's done for implementation

## Semantics

Ordinary Rust patterns match as usual.  If present, the `name @` binding has
the usual meaning.

A sequence of named tags matches any of those tags.  A single sequence can
contain both open and close tags.  If present, the `name @` binding binds (by
move) the `Tag` struct, not the outer `Token`.  That is, a match arm like

tag @ <html> <head> => ...

expands to something like

TagToken(tag @ Tag { name: local_name!("html"), kind: StartTag })
| TagToken(tag @ Tag { name: local_name!("head"), kind: StartTag }) => ...

A wildcard tag matches any tag of the appropriate kind, *unless* it was
previously matched with an `else` right-hand side (more on this below).

The expansion of this macro reorders code somewhat, to satisfy various
restrictions arising from moves.  However it provides the semantics of in-order
matching, by enforcing the following restrictions on its input:

  - The last pattern must be a variable or the wildcard "_".  In other words
    it must match everything.

  - Otherwise, ordinary Rust patterns and specific-tag patterns cannot appear
    after wildcard tag patterns.

  - No tag name may appear more than once.

  - A wildcard tag pattern may not occur in the same arm as any other tag.
    "<_> <html> => ..." and "<_> </_> => ..." are both forbidden.

  - The right-hand side "else" may only appear with specific-tag patterns.
    It means that these specific tags should be handled by the last,
    catch-all case arm, rather than by any wildcard tag arm.  This situation
    is common in the HTML5 syntax.

use quote::quote;
use syn::{braced, parse_quote, Token};

use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::ToTokens;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use syn::ext::IdentExt;
use syn::fold::Fold;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};

pub fn expand(from: &Path, to: &Path) {
    let mut source = String::new();
        .read_to_string(&mut source)
    let ast = syn::parse_file(&source).expect("Parsing rules.rs module");
    let mut m = MatchTokenParser {};
    let ast = m.fold_file(ast);
    let code = ast
        .replace("{ ", "{\n")
        .replace(" }", "\n}");

struct MatchTokenParser {}

struct MatchToken {
    ident: syn::Ident,
    arms: Vec<MatchTokenArm>,

struct MatchTokenArm {
    binding: Option<syn::Ident>,
    lhs: LHS,
    rhs: RHS,

enum LHS {

enum RHS {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
enum TagKind {

// Option is None if wildcard
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub struct Tag {
    kind: TagKind,
    name: Option<syn::Ident>,

impl Parse for Tag {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let closing: Option<Token![/]> = input.parse()?;
        let name = match input.call(syn::Ident::parse_any)? {
            ref wildcard if wildcard == "_" => None,
            other => Some(other),
        Ok(Tag {
            kind: if closing.is_some() {
            } else {

impl Parse for LHS {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        if input.peek(Token![<]) {
            let mut tags = Vec::new();
            while !input.peek(Token![=>]) {
        } else {
            let p: syn::Pat = input.parse()?;

impl Parse for MatchTokenArm {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let binding = if input.peek2(Token![@]) {
            let binding = input.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
        } else {
        let lhs = input.parse::<LHS>()?;
        let rhs = if input.peek(syn::token::Brace) {
            let block = input.parse::<syn::Block>().unwrap();
            let block = syn::ExprBlock {
                attrs: vec![],
                label: None,
        } else if input.peek(Token![else]) {
        } else {
            let expr = input.parse::<syn::Expr>().unwrap();

        Ok(MatchTokenArm { binding, lhs, rhs })

impl Parse for MatchToken {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let ident = input.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
        let content;
        braced!(content in input);
        let mut arms = vec![];
        while !content.is_empty() {
        Ok(MatchToken { ident, arms })

pub fn expand_match_token(body: &TokenStream) -> syn::Expr {
    let match_token = syn::parse2::<MatchToken>(body.clone());
    let ast = expand_match_token_macro(match_token.unwrap());

fn expand_match_token_macro(match_token: MatchToken) -> TokenStream {
    let mut arms = match_token.arms;
    let to_be_matched = match_token.ident;
    // Handle the last arm specially at the end.
    let last_arm = arms.pop().unwrap();

    // Tags we've seen, used for detecting duplicates.
    let mut seen_tags: HashSet<Tag> = HashSet::new();

    // Case arms for wildcard matching.  We collect these and
    // emit them later.
    let mut wildcards_patterns: Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();
    let mut wildcards_expressions: Vec<syn::Expr> = Vec::new();

    // Tags excluded (by an 'else' RHS) from wildcard matching.
    let mut wild_excluded_patterns: Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();

    let mut arms_code = Vec::new();

    for MatchTokenArm { binding, lhs, rhs } in arms {
        // Build Rust syntax for the `name @` binding, if any.
        let binding = match binding {
            Some(ident) => quote!(#ident @),
            None => quote!(),

        match (lhs, rhs) {
            (LHS::Pattern(_), RHS::Else) => {
                panic!("'else' may not appear with an ordinary pattern")

            // ordinary pattern => expression
            (LHS::Pattern(pat), RHS::Expression(expr)) => {
                if !wildcards_patterns.is_empty() {
                        "ordinary patterns may not appear after wildcard tags {:?} {:?}",
                        pat, expr
                arms_code.push(quote!(#binding #pat => #expr,))

            // <tag> <tag> ... => else
            (LHS::Tags(tags), RHS::Else) => {
                for tag in tags {
                    if !seen_tags.insert(tag.clone()) {
                        panic!("duplicate tag");
                    if tag.name.is_none() {
                        panic!("'else' may not appear with a wildcard tag");
                    wild_excluded_patterns.push(make_tag_pattern(&TokenStream::new(), tag));

            // <_> => expression
            // <tag> <tag> ... => expression
            (LHS::Tags(tags), RHS::Expression(expr)) => {
                // Is this arm a tag wildcard?
                // `None` if we haven't processed the first tag yet.
                let mut wildcard = None;
                for tag in tags {
                    if !seen_tags.insert(tag.clone()) {
                        panic!("duplicate tag");

                    match tag.name {
                        // <tag>
                        Some(_) => {
                            if !wildcards_patterns.is_empty() {
                                panic!("specific tags may not appear after wildcard tags");

                            if wildcard == Some(true) {
                                panic!("wildcard tags must appear alone");

                            if wildcard.is_some() {
                                // Push the delimeter `|` if it's not the first tag.
                                arms_code.push(quote!( | ))
                            arms_code.push(make_tag_pattern(&binding, tag));

                            wildcard = Some(false);

                        // <_>
                        None => {
                            if wildcard.is_some() {
                                panic!("wildcard tags must appear alone");
                            wildcard = Some(true);
                            wildcards_patterns.push(make_tag_pattern(&binding, tag));

                match wildcard {
                    None => panic!("[internal macro error] tag arm with no tags"),
                    Some(false) => arms_code.push(quote!( => #expr,)),
                    Some(true) => {}, // codegen for wildcards is deferred

    // Time to process the last, catch-all arm.  We will generate something like
    //     last_arm_token => {
    //         let enable_wildcards = match last_arm_token {
    //             TagToken(Tag { kind: EndTag, name: local_name!("body"), .. }) => false,
    //             TagToken(Tag { kind: EndTag, name: local_name!("html"), .. }) => false,
    //             // ...
    //             _ => true,
    //         };
    //         match (enable_wildcards, last_arm_token) {
    //             (true, TagToken(name @ Tag { kind: StartTag, .. }))
    //                 => ...,  // wildcard action for start tags
    //             (true, TagToken(name @ Tag { kind: EndTag, .. }))
    //                 => ...,  // wildcard action for end tags
    //             (_, token) => ...  // using the pattern from that last arm
    //         }
    //     }

    let MatchTokenArm { binding, lhs, rhs } = last_arm;

    let (last_pat, last_expr) = match (binding, lhs, rhs) {
        (Some(_), _, _) => panic!("the last arm cannot have an @-binding"),
        (None, LHS::Tags(_), _) => panic!("the last arm cannot have tag patterns"),
        (None, _, RHS::Else) => panic!("the last arm cannot use 'else'"),
        (None, LHS::Pattern(p), RHS::Expression(e)) => (p, e),

    quote! {
        match #to_be_matched {
            last_arm_token => {
                let enable_wildcards = match last_arm_token {
                        #wild_excluded_patterns => false,
                    _ => true,
                match (enable_wildcards, last_arm_token) {
                        (true, #wildcards_patterns) => #wildcards_expressions,
                    (_, #last_pat) => #last_expr,

impl Fold for MatchTokenParser {
    fn fold_stmt(&mut self, stmt: syn::Stmt) -> syn::Stmt {
        match stmt {
            syn::Stmt::Item(syn::Item::Macro(syn::ItemMacro { ref mac, .. })) => {
                if mac.path == parse_quote!(match_token) {
                    return syn::fold::fold_stmt(
            _ => {},

        syn::fold::fold_stmt(self, stmt)

    fn fold_expr(&mut self, expr: syn::Expr) -> syn::Expr {
        match expr {
            syn::Expr::Macro(syn::ExprMacro { ref mac, .. }) => {
                if mac.path == parse_quote!(match_token) {
                    return syn::fold::fold_expr(self, expand_match_token(&mac.tokens));
            _ => {},

        syn::fold::fold_expr(self, expr)

fn make_tag_pattern(binding: &TokenStream, tag: Tag) -> TokenStream {
    let kind = match tag.kind {
        TagKind::StartTag => quote!(crate::tokenizer::StartTag),
        TagKind::EndTag => quote!(crate::tokenizer::EndTag),
    let name_field = if let Some(name) = tag.name {
        let name = name.to_string();
        quote!(name: local_name!(#name),)
    } else {
    quote! {
        crate::tree_builder::types::TagToken(#binding crate::tokenizer::Tag { kind: #kind, #name_field .. })