use crate::machine; use crate::offset::NoopOffset; use crate::reader::{IntoReader, Reader}; use crate::utils::{ control_pat, noncharacter_pat, surrogate_pat, ControlToken, State as InternalState, }; use crate::{DefaultEmitter, Emitter, Error}; // this is a stack that can hold 0 to 2 Ts #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)] struct Stack2<T: Copy>(Option<(T, Option<T>)>); impl<T: Copy> Stack2<T> { #[inline] fn push(&mut self, c: T) { self.0 = match self.0 { None => Some((c, None)), Some((c1, None)) => Some((c1, Some(c))), Some((_c1, Some(_c2))) => panic!("stack full!"), } } #[inline] fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> { let (new_self, rv) = match self.0 { Some((c1, Some(c2))) => (Some((c1, None)), Some(c2)), Some((c1, None)) => (None, Some(c1)), None => (None, None), }; self.0 = new_self; rv } } /// A HTML tokenizer. See crate-level docs for basic usage. pub struct Tokenizer<R: Reader, E: Emitter<R> = DefaultEmitter<R, NoopOffset>> { eof: bool, pub(crate) state: InternalState, pub(crate) emitter: E, pub(crate) temporary_buffer: String, pub(crate) reader: R, to_reconsume: Stack2<Option<char>>, pub(crate) character_reference_code: u32, pub(crate) return_state: Option<InternalState>, current_tag_name: String, last_start_tag_name: String, is_start_tag: bool, } impl<R: Reader, E: Emitter<R>> Tokenizer<R, E> { /// Creates a new tokenizer from some input and an emitter. /// /// TODO: add warning about you needing to do the state switching pub fn new<'a>(reader: impl IntoReader<'a, Reader = R>, emitter: E) -> Self { Tokenizer { reader: reader.into_reader(), emitter, state: InternalState::Data, to_reconsume: Stack2::default(), return_state: None, temporary_buffer: String::new(), character_reference_code: 0, eof: false, current_tag_name: String::new(), last_start_tag_name: String::new(), is_start_tag: false, } } } /// The states you can set the tokenizer to. #[derive(Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum State { /// The [Data state]( Data, /// The [PLAINTEXT state]( PlainText, /// The [RCDATA state]( RcData, /// The [RAWTEXT state]( RawText, /// The [Script data state]( ScriptData, /// The [Script data escaped state]( ScriptDataEscaped, /// The [Script data double escaped state]( ScriptDataDoubleEscaped, } impl From<State> for InternalState { fn from(state: State) -> Self { match state { State::Data => InternalState::Data, State::PlainText => InternalState::PlainText, State::RcData => InternalState::RcData, State::RawText => InternalState::RawText, State::ScriptData => InternalState::ScriptData, State::ScriptDataEscaped => InternalState::ScriptDataEscaped, State::ScriptDataDoubleEscaped => InternalState::ScriptDataDoubleEscaped, } } } impl<R: Reader, E: Emitter<R>> Tokenizer<R, E> { /// Test-internal function to override internal state. /// /// Only available with the `integration-tests` feature which is not public API. #[cfg(feature = "integration-tests")] pub fn set_internal_state(&mut self, state: InternalState) { self.state = state; } /// Set the statemachine to start/continue in the given state. pub fn set_state(&mut self, state: State) { self.state = state.into(); } /// Just a helper method for the machine. #[inline] pub(crate) fn emit_error(&mut self, error: Error) { self.emitter.emit_error(error, &self.reader); } /// Assuming the _current token_ is an end tag, return true if all of these hold. Return false otherwise. /// /// * the _last start tag_ exists /// * the current end tag token's name equals to the last start tag's name. /// /// See also [WHATWG's definition of "appropriate end tag /// token"]( #[inline] pub(crate) fn current_end_tag_is_appropriate(&mut self) -> bool { self.current_tag_name == self.last_start_tag_name } #[inline] pub(crate) fn init_start_tag(&mut self) { self.emitter.init_start_tag(&self.reader); self.current_tag_name.clear(); self.is_start_tag = true; } #[inline] pub(crate) fn init_end_tag(&mut self) { self.emitter.init_end_tag(&self.reader); self.current_tag_name.clear(); self.is_start_tag = false; } #[inline] pub(crate) fn push_tag_name(&mut self, s: &str) { self.emitter.push_tag_name(s); self.current_tag_name.push_str(s); } #[inline] pub(crate) fn emit_current_tag(&mut self) { self.emitter.emit_current_tag(); if self.is_start_tag { std::mem::swap(&mut self.last_start_tag_name, &mut self.current_tag_name); } } #[inline] pub(crate) fn unread_char(&mut self, c: Option<char>) { self.to_reconsume.push(c); } #[inline] fn validate_char(&mut self, c: char) { match c as u32 { surrogate_pat!() => { self.emit_error(Error::SurrogateInInputStream); } noncharacter_pat!() => { self.emit_error(Error::NoncharacterInInputStream); } // control without whitespace or nul x @ control_pat!() if !matches!(x, 0x0000 | 0x0009 | 0x000a | 0x000c | 0x000d | 0x0020) => { self.emit_error(Error::ControlCharacterInInputStream); } _ => (), } } pub(crate) fn read_char(&mut self) -> Result<Option<char>, R::Error> { let (c_res, reconsumed) = match self.to_reconsume.pop() { Some(c) => (Ok(c), true), None => (self.reader.read_char(), false), }; let mut c = match c_res { Ok(Some(c)) => c, res => return res, }; if c == '\r' { c = '\n'; let c2 = self.reader.read_char()?; if c2 != Some('\n') { self.unread_char(c2); } } if !reconsumed { self.validate_char(c); } Ok(Some(c)) } #[inline] pub(crate) fn try_read_string( &mut self, mut s: &str, case_sensitive: bool, ) -> Result<bool, R::Error> { debug_assert!(!s.is_empty()); let to_reconsume_bak = self.to_reconsume; let mut chars = s.chars(); while let Some(c) = self.to_reconsume.pop() { if let (Some(x), Some(x2)) = (c, { if x == x2 || (!case_sensitive && x.to_ascii_lowercase() == x2.to_ascii_lowercase()) { s = &s[x.len_utf8()..]; continue; } } self.to_reconsume = to_reconsume_bak; return Ok(false); } self.reader.try_read_string(s, case_sensitive) } pub(crate) fn is_consumed_as_part_of_an_attribute(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.return_state, Some( InternalState::AttributeValueDoubleQuoted | InternalState::AttributeValueSingleQuoted | InternalState::AttributeValueUnquoted ) ) } pub(crate) fn flush_code_points_consumed_as_character_reference(&mut self) { if self.is_consumed_as_part_of_an_attribute() { self.emitter.push_attribute_value(&self.temporary_buffer); self.temporary_buffer.clear(); } else { self.flush_buffer_characters(); } } pub(crate) fn next_input_character(&mut self) -> Result<Option<char>, R::Error> { let rv = self.read_char()?; self.unread_char(rv); Ok(rv) } pub(crate) fn flush_buffer_characters(&mut self) { self.emitter.emit_string(&self.temporary_buffer); self.temporary_buffer.clear(); } } impl<R: Reader, E: Emitter<R>> Iterator for Tokenizer<R, E> { type Item = Result<E::Token, R::Error>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { loop { if let Some(token) = self.emitter.pop_token() { break Some(Ok(token)); } else if !self.eof { match machine::consume(self) { Ok(ControlToken::Continue) => (), Ok(ControlToken::Eof) => { self.eof = true; self.emitter.emit_eof(); } Err(e) => break Some(Err(e)), } } else { break None; } } } } impl<R: Reader, E: Emitter<R>> Tokenizer<R, E> { /// Test-internal function to override internal state. /// /// Only available with the `integration-tests` feature which is not public API. #[cfg(feature = "integration-tests")] pub fn set_last_start_tag(&mut self, last_start_tag: &str) { self.last_start_tag_name.clear(); self.last_start_tag_name.push_str(last_start_tag); } }