{"tests": [

{"description":"PLAINTEXT content model flag",
"initialStates":["PLAINTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "<head>&body;"]]},

{"description":"PLAINTEXT with seeming close tag",
"initialStates":["PLAINTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "</plaintext>&body;"]]},

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (case-insensitivity)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with space)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"input":"foo</xmp ",
"output":[["Character", "foo"]],
    { "code": "eof-in-tag", "line": 1, "col": 10 }

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with EOF)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo</xmp"]]},

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with slash)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo"]],
    { "code": "eof-in-tag", "line": 1, "col": 10 }

{"description":"End tag not closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT (ending with left-angle-bracket)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo</xmp<"]]},

{"description":"End tag with incorrect name in RCDATA or RAWTEXT",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "</foo>bar"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},

{"description":"Partial end tags leading straight into partial end tags",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "</xmp</xmp"], ["EndTag", "xmp"]]},

{"description":"End tag with incorrect name in RCDATA or RAWTEXT (starting like correct name)",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "</foo>bar</xmpaar>"]]},

{"description":"End tag closing RCDATA or RAWTEXT, switching back to PCDATA",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state", "RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "foo"], ["EndTag", "xmp"], ["EndTag", "baz"]]},

{"description":"RAWTEXT w/ something looking like an entity",
"initialStates":["RAWTEXT state"],
"output":[["Character", "&foo;"]]},

{"description":"RCDATA w/ an entity",
"initialStates":["RCDATA state"],
"output":[["Character", "<"]]}
