use std::ops::Range;

use codespan_reporting::{
    diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label},
    term::{self, termcolor::Buffer},
use html5tokenizer::{offset::PosTrackingReader, DefaultEmitter, Token, Tokenizer};
use insta::assert_snapshot;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

fn tokenizer(html: &'static str) -> impl Iterator<Item = Token<usize>> {

fn annotate(html: &str, labels: Vec<(Range<usize>, impl AsRef<str>)>) -> String {
    let mut files = SimpleFiles::new();
    let file_id = files.add("test.html", html);

    let diagnostic = Diagnostic::note().with_labels(
            .map(|(span, text)| Label::primary(file_id, span).with_message(text.as_ref()))

    let mut writer = Buffer::no_color();
    let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
    term::emit(&mut writer, &config, &files, &diagnostic).unwrap();
    let msg = std::str::from_utf8(writer.as_slice()).unwrap();

    // strip the filename and the line numbers since we don't need them
    // (apparently they cannot be disabled in codespan_reporting)
        .flat_map(|l| l.split_once("│ ").map(|s| s.1.trim_end()))

fn start_tag_span() {
    let html = "<x> <xyz> <xyz  > <xyz/>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    for token in tokenizer(html) {
        if let Token::StartTag(tag) = token {
            labels.push((tag.span, ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <x> <xyz> <xyz  > <xyz/>
    ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

fn end_tag_span() {
    let html = "</x> </xyz> </xyz  > </xyz/>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    for token in tokenizer(html) {
        if let Token::EndTag(tag) = token {
            labels.push((tag.span, ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    </x> </xyz> </xyz  > </xyz/>
    ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

fn start_tag_name_span() {
    let html = "<x> <xyz> <xyz  > <xyz/>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    for token in tokenizer(html) {
        if let Token::StartTag(tag) = token {
            labels.push((tag.name_span(), ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <x> <xyz> <xyz  > <xyz/>
     ^   ^^^   ^^^     ^^^

fn end_tag_name_span() {
    let html = "</x> </xyz> </xyz  > </xyz/>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    for token in tokenizer(html) {
        if let Token::EndTag(tag) = token {
            labels.push((tag.name_span(), ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    </x> </xyz> </xyz  > </xyz/>
      ^    ^^^    ^^^      ^^^

fn attribute_name_span() {
    let html = "<test x xyz y=VAL xy=VAL z = VAL yzx = VAL>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    let Token::StartTag(tag) = tokenizer(html).next().unwrap() else {
        panic!("expected start tag")
    for attr in &tag.attributes {
        labels.push((attr.name_span(), ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <test x xyz y=VAL xy=VAL z = VAL yzx = VAL>
          ^ ^^^ ^     ^^     ^       ^^^

fn attribute_value_span() {
    let html = "<test x=unquoted y = unquoted z='single-quoted' zz=\"double-quoted\" empty=''>";
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    let Token::StartTag(tag) = tokenizer(html).next().unwrap() else {
        panic!("expected start tag")
    for attr in &tag.attributes {
        labels.push((attr.value_span().unwrap(), ""));
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <test x=unquoted y = unquoted z='single-quoted' zz="double-quoted" empty=''>
            ^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^         ^

fn comment_proper_data_span() {
    let html = "<!-- Why are you looking at the source code? -->";
    let Token::Comment(comment) = tokenizer(html).next().unwrap() else {
        panic!("expected comment");
    assert_eq!(, html[comment.data_span()]);
    let labels = vec![(comment.data_span(), "")];
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <!-- Why are you looking at the source code? -->

fn comment_bogus_data_span() {
    let html = "<! Why are you looking at the source code? -->";
    let Token::Comment(comment) = tokenizer(html)
        .filter(|t| !matches!(t, Token::Error { .. }))
    else {
        panic!("expected comment");
    assert_eq!(, html[comment.data_span()]);
    let labels = vec![(comment.data_span(), "")];
    assert_snapshot!(annotate(html, labels), @r###"
    <! Why are you looking at the source code? -->

fn annotate_errors(html: &'static str) -> String {
    let mut labels = Vec::new();
    for token in tokenizer(html) {
        if let Token::Error { error, span } = token {
            labels.push((span, error.to_string()));
    annotate(html, labels)

fn tests_for_errors_are_sorted() {
    let source_of_this_file = std::fs::read_to_string(file!()).unwrap();
    let mut error_tests: Vec<_> = source_of_this_file
        .filter(|l| l.starts_with("fn error_"))
    let error_tests_found_order = error_tests.join("\n");
    let error_tests_sorted = error_tests.join("\n");
    assert_eq!(error_tests_found_order, error_tests_sorted);

fn error_duplicate_attribute() {
    let html = "Does this open two pages? <a href=foo.html href=bar.html>";
    assert_snapshot!(annotate_errors(html), @r###"
    Does this open two pages? <a href=foo.html href=bar.html>
                                               ^^^^ duplicate-attribute

fn error_end_tag_with_attributes() {
    let html = "</end-tag first second=value>";
    assert_snapshot!(annotate_errors(html), @r###"
    </end-tag first second=value>
                    ^^^^^^ end-tag-with-attributes

fn error_end_tag_with_trailing_solidus() {
    let html = "Do you start or do you end? </yes/>";
    assert_snapshot!(annotate_errors(html), @r###"
    Do you start or do you end? </yes/>
                                      ^ end-tag-with-trailing-solidus

fn error_invalid_first_character_of_tag_name() {
    let html = "Please mind the gap: < test";
    assert_snapshot!(annotate_errors(html), @r###"
    Please mind the gap: < test
                          ^ invalid-first-character-of-tag-name

fn error_unknown_named_character_reference() {
    let html = "The pirate says &arrrrr;";
    assert_snapshot!(annotate_errors(html), @r###"
    The pirate says &arrrrr;
                           ^ unknown-named-character-reference