{ "redirectauth-log-in-with": "Log in with $1", "redirectauth-try-again": "This shouldn't be happening. Maybe try again?", "redirectauth-auth-failed": "Authentication failed: $1", "redirectauth-collision": "There already exists a wiki account with the name $1. Does this wiki account belong to you?", "redirectauth-collision-opt-yes": "Yes, this is my wiki account.", "redirectauth-collision-opt-no": "No, this is not my wiki account.", "redirectauth-create-or-log-in": "Welcome to the wiki!", "redirectauth-opt-create": "Create wiki account named $1", "redirectauth-opt-log-in": "I already have an account for this wiki and want to link it to my $1 account", "redirectauth-collision-opt-mine": "That is my account", "redirectauth-collision-opt-log-in": "I already have a different account", "redirectauth-collision-opt-create": "Create a new differently named account", "redirectauth-pick-other-username-taken": "The username $1 is already taken, please choose another username", "redirectauth-pick-other-username-invalid": "That username is invalid, please choose another username", "redirectauth-linked-account": "Linked account:", "redirectauth-link-your": "Link your $1 account", "redirectauth-unlink-your": "Unlink your $1 account", "redirectauth-error-already-linked": "Linking failed because this $1 account is already linked to the wiki user $2. An $1 account can only be linked to one wiki user at a time.", "redirectauth-count": "Linked accounts", "redirectauth-unlink-account": "Unlink account" }