AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysbuild: introduce NixOS package & serviceHEADmasterMartin Fischer
3 daysfeat: make scripts support --helpMartin Fischer
3 daysrefactor: introduce run methodsMartin Fischer
3 daysrefactor: make URL query params more readableMartin Fischer
2024-09-03fix: Template:Proposal_Page was renamedMartin Fischer
2023-01-22Add placeholder text to input fieldsWaldir Pimenta
2023-01-22Improve table stylingWaldir Pimenta
2022-07-21improve search results by requiring word boundaryMartin Fischer
2022-07-21extract language prefix from page titleMartin Fischer
2022-07-21display how many proposals were foundMartin Fischer
2022-07-21omit null values in JSON outputMartin Fischer
2022-07-17find proposals via embeddedin instead of categoriesMartin Fischer
2022-07-17detect proposals without text as stubsMartin Fischer
2022-07-17refactor: introduce is_stub functionMartin Fischer
2022-07-17display post-vote after voting proposalsMartin Fischer
2022-07-15make search treat underscores as spacesMartin Fischer
2022-07-15also query Category:Proposals_without_post-vote_cleanupMartin Fischer
2022-07-14filter out stub proposalsMartin Fischer
2022-07-14refactor: rename variableMartin Fischer
2022-07-12add find_archived_proposals_without_template.pyMartin Fischer
2022-07-12add inputs to filter by name and/or authorMartin Fischer
2022-07-12add requirements.txtMartin Fischer
2022-07-12add page descriptionMartin Fischer
2022-07-12make ?author filter treat first letter as case-insensitiveMartin Fischer
2022-07-12use page_title as fallback if there is no proposal nameMartin Fischer
2022-07-12implement ?author filteringMartin Fischer
2022-07-12merge date columnsMartin Fischer
2022-07-12initial commitMartin Fischer