# pydoc.dev - consistent API docs for Python Looking at the API documentations of Python packages can be a bit disorienting because they can look different from project to project (since different projects use different [Sphinx] themes) and because the API documentation often is not structured after the Python modules. **pydoc.dev** strives to be for Python what [docs.rs] is for Rust. It works by downloading the source files from the [Python Package Index], the API documentation is then generated with [pydoctor]. ## How to contribute * You can give feedback and suggest packages to be included, either by [email] or in the [#pydoc] IRC channel on [Libera.Chat]. * You can contribute to [pydoctor]. * You can contribute to the individual Python projects to improve their [docstrings]. * If you want to support pydoc.dev by providing hosting, [please get in touch][email]. [Sphinx]: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ [docs.rs]: https://docs.rs/ [Python Package Index]: https://pypi.org/ [pydoctor]: https://github.com/twisted/pydoctor [email]: mailto:martin@push-f.com [#pydoc]: https://web.libera.chat/?channel=#pydoc [Libera.Chat]: https://libera.chat/ [docstrings]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/