#!/usr/bin/env python3 import html import json import os import re import shutil from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, check_output import tempfile import time from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, TextIO, Tuple, TypedDict import mypy.api from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer import tomli Error = Tuple[str, int, str] """The filename, line number and the error message.""" class Checker: url: str def run(self, path: str, typeshed_path: str) -> List[Error]: """ Type checks the given path with the given options. """ raise NotImplementedError() def version(self) -> str: """Returns the version of the checker.""" raise NotImplementedError() class Mypy(Checker): url = 'https://github.com/python/mypy' # mypy cannot output JSON (https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/10816) # though there is a PR (https://github.com/python/mypy/pull/11396) # so we just use the regex from https://github.com/matangover/mypy-vscode/blob/48162f345c7f14b96f29976660100ae1dd49cc0a/src/mypy.ts _pattern = re.compile( r'^(?P<file>[^\n]+?):((?P<line>\d+):)?((?P<column>\d+):)? (?P<type>\w+): (?P<message>.*)$', re.MULTILINE, ) @classmethod def run(cls, path: str, typeshed_path: str): cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mypy-cache-') stdout, stderr, retcode = mypy.api.run( [ # fmt: off '--cache-dir', cachedir, '--custom-typeshed-dir', typeshed_path, # fmt: on '--', path, ] ) shutil.rmtree(cachedir) return [ (m.group('file'), m.group('line'), m.group('message')) for m in cls._pattern.finditer(stdout) ] @staticmethod def version(): return mypy.api.run(['--version'])[0].split()[1].strip() class Pytype(Checker): url = 'https://github.com/google/pytype' # pytype supports CSV output only for pytype-single which however doesn't support multiple modules # (https://github.com/google/pytype/issues/92) _pattern = re.compile( r'^File "(?P<file>[^"]+?)", line (?P<line>\d+), in (?P<module>[^ ]+): (?P<message>.*) \[(?P<id>[^]]+)\]$', re.MULTILINE, ) @classmethod def run(cls, path: str, typeshed_path: str): env = {'TYPESHED_HOME': typeshed_path, 'PATH': os.environ['PATH']} proc = Popen( ['pytype', '--', path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, encoding='utf-8', env=env, ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return [ (m.group('file'), m.group('line'), m.group('message')) for m in cls._pattern.finditer(stdout) ] @staticmethod def version(): return check_output(['pytype', '--version'], encoding='utf-8').strip() class Pyright(Checker): url = 'https://github.com/microsoft/pyright' @staticmethod def run(path: str, typeshed_path: str): proc = Popen( [ 'pyright', # fmt: off '--typeshed-path', typeshed_path, '--outputjson', # fmt: on # pyright does not support -- path, ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, encoding='utf-8', ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return [ (d['file'], d['range']['start']['line'] + 1, d['message']) for d in json.loads(stdout)['generalDiagnostics'] ] @staticmethod def version(): return ( check_output(['pyright', '--version'], encoding='utf-8').split()[1].strip() ) # We don't check pyre because it has a very slow startup time (5s) since it parses the whole typeshed. # (see https://github.com/facebook/pyre-check/issues/592) class Puzzle(TypedDict): checker_results: Dict[str, List[Error]] last_modified: int def run_checkers(checkers: List[Checker], puzzle: str, typeshed_path: str): results = {} for checker in checkers: start = time.time() results[checker.__class__.__name__] = checker.run(puzzle, typeshed_path) duration = time.time() - start print(checker, time.time() - start) return results def run( checkers: List[Checker], puzzles: List[str], default_typeshed: str, out: TextIO, cache: Dict[str, Puzzle], issues: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], ): python_lexer = PythonLexer() html_formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True, linenos='table') out.write( "<meta charset=utf-8><title>Comparison of static type checkers for Python</title>" ) out.write( '''<p>This page compares three static type checkers for Python. The <span class=unexpected>red</span> background indicates that the checker outputs an incorrect result (either a false positive or a false negative). <a href=/>Back to start page</a>.</p>''' ) out.write('<style>.unexpected {background: #ffd2d0}</style>') out.write('<table border=1>') out.write('<tr><th>Input') for checker in checkers: out.write('<th>') out.write('<a href="{}">'.format(html.escape(checker.url))) out.write(checker.__class__.__name__) out.write('</a>') out.write('<br>({})'.format(html.escape(checker.version()))) out.write('</tr>') for puzzle in puzzles: print(puzzle) last_modified = int(os.stat(puzzle).st_mtime) if puzzle in cache and last_modified == cache[puzzle]['last_modified']: checker_results = cache[puzzle]['checker_results'] else: checker_results = run_checkers(checkers, puzzle, default_typeshed) cache[puzzle] = { 'last_modified': last_modified, 'checker_results': checker_results, } out.write('<tr>') out.write('<td>') with open(puzzle) as f: code = f.read() out.write(highlight(code, python_lexer, html_formatter)) error_ok = '# error' in code or '# maybe error' in code no_error_ok = '# error' not in code for checker in checkers: errors = checker_results[checker.__class__.__name__] expected = (errors and error_ok) or (not errors and no_error_ok) out.write('<td class="{}">'.format('ok' if expected else 'unexpected')) if errors: out.write('<ul>') for filename, line, message in errors: out.write('<li>') out.write(f'{line}: ' + html.escape(message).replace('\n', '<br>')) out.write('</li>') out.write('</ul>') else: out.write('<center>no errors found') if not expected: checker_issues = issues.get(checker.__class__.__name__.lower(), {}) issue = checker_issues.get( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(puzzle))[0] ) if issue: out.write('<br>(') out.write(issue) out.write(')') out.write('</table>') if __name__ == '__main__': # TODO: git clone typeshed if missing typeshed = os.path.abspath('typeshed') # pytype requries an absolute path try: with open('cache.json') as f: cache = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: cache = {} with open('issues.toml', 'rb') as f: issues = tomli.load(f) with open('dist/checkers.html', 'w') as f: run( [Mypy(), Pytype(), Pyright()], ['puzzles/' + f for f in sorted(os.listdir('puzzles'))], typeshed, f, cache, issues, ) with open('cache.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(cache, f)