#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Comparison of type-safe loaders for Python

When loading data with json.load or toml.load you get unstructured data.
There exist several libraries to help you you check that this unstructured data
matches your expected structure, without having to write a bunch of boilerplate
code. This Python script compares these libraries.

* typedload   (??)
* apischema   (??)
* serdelicacy (??)
* perde       (??)
* typical     (??)
* cattrs      (??)
* pyserde     (??)

For other comparisons see https://quackmark.push-f.com/.

from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, Literal
import typing, msgpack

module: Optional[ModuleType] = None

class NotApplicable(Exception): ...

def perde(m, v, t):
        encoded = msgpack.dumps(v)
    except TypeError:
        raise NotApplicable
    return m.msgpack.loads_as(t, encoded)

    'typedload': lambda m, v, t: m.load(v, t, basiccast=False, failonextra=True),
    'apischema': lambda m, v, t: m.deserialize(t, v),
    'serdelicacy': lambda m, v, t: m.load(v, t),
    'perde': perde,
    'typic': lambda m, v, t: m.protocol(t).transmute(v),
    'cattrs': lambda m, v, t: m.structure(v, t),
    'pyserde': lambda m, v, t: m.from_dict(t, v),

def load(v, t):
    if module:
        return LOADERS[module.__name__](module, v, t)

Err = ... # denotes that a function raised an exception

# booleans
load(True, bool) == True
load(False, bool) == False
load(None, bool) == Err
load(1, bool) == Err
load(0, bool) == Err
load('foo', bool) == Err
load('false', bool) == Err

# strings, bytes and floats
load(b'test', str) == Err
load(b'test', bytes) == b'test'
load('inf', float) == Err
load('nan', float) == Err

# byte arrays
load(b'test', bytearray) == bytearray(b'test')

# literals

YesOrNo = Literal['yes', 'no']
load('yes', YesOrNo) == 'yes'
load('Yes', YesOrNo) == Err

# optionals
load(None, Optional[int]) == None
load(3, Optional[int]) == 3

# enums
import enum

class Answer(enum.Enum):
    Yes = 1
    No = 2

class AnswerNum(enum.IntEnum):
    Yes = 1
    No = 2

class Color(enum.IntFlag):
    Red = enum.auto()
    Green = enum.auto()
    Blue = enum.auto()

color = Color.Red | Color.Blue

load('Yes', Answer) == Err
load(1, Answer) == Answer.Yes
load('Yes', AnswerNum) == Err
load(1, AnswerNum) == AnswerNum.Yes
load(int(color), Color) == color

# newtype

MyInt = typing.NewType('MyInt', int)

load(3, MyInt) == MyInt(3)

# collections
load([1,2,3], tuple[int, ...]) == (1,2,3)
load([1,2,3], set[int]) == {1,2,3}
load([1,2,3], frozenset[int]) == frozenset((1,2,3))
load({1,2,3}, list[int]) == [1,2,3]
load((1,2,3), list[int]) == [1,2,3]
load([(1, 1)], dict[int, int]) == Err

# named tuples

class NT(typing.NamedTuple):
    x: int = 0

load({'x': 1}, NT) == NT(1)
load({}, NT) == NT()
load({'y': 1}, NT) == Err

# dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, InitVar

class DC:
    x: int = 0
    i: InitVar[int] = 0

    def __post_init__(self, i):
        self.x += i

load({'x': 1}, DC) == DC(1)
load({}, DC) == DC()
load({'y': 1}, DC) == Err
load({'i': 5}, DC) == DC(5)

# TypedDict

class TD(typing.TypedDict):
    x: int

load({'x': 1}, TD) == {'x': 1}
load({'x': 'x'}, TD) == Err
load({'y': 1}, TD) == Err

# objects from strings
from pathlib import Path
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Interface

class Foo:
    def __init__(self, x: int):
        self.x = x

load('test', Path) == Path('test')
load('', IPv4Address) == IPv4Address('')
load('::', IPv6Interface) == IPv6Interface('::')
load('foo', Foo) == Err

from uuid import UUID
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
my_id = '12345678123456781234567812345678'
now = datetime.now()

load(my_id, UUID) == UUID(my_id)
load(1, Decimal) == Decimal(1)
load(str(now), datetime) == now

# run method
import html, importlib, importlib.metadata, inspect, sys, re

def run():
    global module
    print('<meta charset=utf-8><pre style="font-family: \'Source Code Pro\', monospace; width: 90ch; margin: 0 auto;">')
    lines = iter(inspect.getsourcelines(sys.modules[__name__])[0])
    while line := next(lines, None):
        if line.startswith('# '):
            print('<h2 style="margin:0; font-size: inherit">' + html.escape(line.strip()), '</h2>', end='')
        elif line.startswith('* ') and '(' in line:
            pkg_name = line.split()[1]
            metadata = importlib.metadata.metadata(pkg_name)
            link = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(html.escape(metadata['Home-page']), pkg_name)
            print(line.split('(')[0].replace(pkg_name, link) + f'</a>({metadata.get("Version")})')
        elif line.startswith('load('):
            tests = [line]
            while (l := next(lines)).startswith('load('):
            for loader in LOADERS:
                print('<td style="padding: 0 0.5em; text-align: center">', loader)
            for test in tests:
                print('<td style="padding-right: 1em">', html.escape(test), '<td>#')
                for loader in LOADERS:
                    module = importlib.import_module(loader)
                    load_call, expected = test.strip().split(' == ')
                    print('<td align=center>')
                        result = eval(load_call)
                        if result == eval(expected):
                    except NotApplicable:
                    except Exception as e:
                        if expected == 'Err':
                            print('<abbr title="{}">Error</abbr>'\
            print(re.sub("https://[a-z./-]+/", lambda url: f'<a href="{url.group()}">{url.group()}</a>', html.escape(line)), end='')

if __name__ == '__main__':