use std::fmt::Display; use hyper::StatusCode; /// Encapsulates a status code and an error message. /// /// All client errors in [`crate::request`] implement [`Into`]. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Error { pub code: StatusCode, pub message: String, } impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "error: {}", self.message) } } impl std::error::Error for Error { } impl Error { /// Returns an HTTP response builder with the status code set to `self.code`. pub fn response_builder(&self) -> hyper::http::response::Builder { hyper::Response::builder().status(self.code) } // some conventient constructors for common errors pub fn bad_request(message: String) -> Self { Error{code: StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, message} } pub fn not_found(message: String) -> Self { Error{code: StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, message} } pub fn unauthorized(message: String) -> Self { Error{code: StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, message} } pub fn internal(message: String) -> Self { Error{code: StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message} } pub fn method_not_allowed(message: String) -> Self { Error{code: StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, message} } } macro_rules! impl_into_http_error { ($type:ident, $status:expr) => { impl From<$type> for crate::error::Error { fn from(err: $type) -> Self { Self{code: $status, message: format!("{}", err)} } } }; }