//! [`Key`] and functions to encode & decode expiring claims. use time::OffsetDateTime; pub use crate::signed::Key; /// Join a string and an expiry date together into a string. pub fn encode_expiring_claim(claim: &str, expiry_date: OffsetDateTime) -> String { format!("{}:{}", claim, expiry_date.unix_timestamp()) } /// Extract the string, failing if the expiry date is in the past. pub fn decode_expiring_claim(value: String) -> Result<String,&'static str> { let mut parts = value.splitn(2, ':'); let claim = parts.next().ok_or("expected colon")?; let expiry_date = parts.next().ok_or("expected colon")?; let expiry_date: i64 = expiry_date.parse().map_err(|_| "failed to parse timestamp")?; if expiry_date > OffsetDateTime::now_utc().unix_timestamp() { Ok(claim.to_string()) } else { Err("token is expired") } }