path: root/src
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1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index 9f8d440..61936fe 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -821,4 +821,282 @@ mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn empty_path_in_uri_with_authority_is_equivalent_to_slash_only_path() {
+ let uri1 = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com");
+ assert!(uri1.is_ok());
+ let uri1 = uri1.unwrap();
+ let uri2 = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com/");
+ assert!(uri2.is_ok());
+ let uri2 = uri2.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri1, uri2);
+ let uri1 = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("//example.com");
+ assert!(uri1.is_ok());
+ let uri1 = uri1.unwrap();
+ let uri2 = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("//example.com/");
+ assert!(uri2.is_ok());
+ let uri2 = uri2.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri1, uri2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn ipv6_address() {
+ struct TestVector {
+ uri_string: &'static str,
+ expected_host: Option<&'static str>
+ };
+ let test_vectors = [
+ // valid
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::1]/", expected_host: Some("[::1]") },
+ // FIXME: RFC 3986 allows the least-significant 32-bits of an
+ // IPv6 address to be represented in IPv4 address textual
+ // format, but unfortunately uriparse doesn't support it.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/sgodwincs/uriparse-rs/issues/17
+ //
+ //TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:]/", expected_host: Some("[::ffff:]") },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]/", expected_host: Some("[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]") },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[fFfF::1]", expected_host: Some("[fFfF::1]") },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[fFfF:1:2:3:4:5:6:a]", expected_host: Some("[fFfF:1:2:3:4:5:6:a]") },
+ // invalid
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::fFfF::1]", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:1.2.x.4]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:1.2.3]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:1.2.3.]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::fxff:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:1.2.3.-4]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:1.2.3. 4]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff: ]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[::ffff:", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://::ffff:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://::ffff:a.2.3.4]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://::ffff:1.a.3.4]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348:0000]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:0:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[2001:db8:85a3::8a2e::]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[:]/", expected_host: None },
+ TestVector{ uri_string: "http://[v]/", expected_host: None },
+ ];
+ for test_vector in &test_vectors {
+ let uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from(test_vector.uri_string);
+ if let Some(host) = test_vector.expected_host {
+ assert!(uri.is_ok());
+ assert_eq!(
+ &uriparse::Host::try_from(host).unwrap(),
+ uri.unwrap().host().unwrap()
+ );
+ } else {
+ assert!(uri.is_err());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn generate_string() {
+ struct TestVector {
+ scheme: Option<&'static str>,
+ username: Option<&'static str>,
+ host: Option<&'static str>,
+ port: Option<u16>,
+ path: &'static str,
+ query: Option<&'static str>,
+ fragment: Option<&'static str>,
+ expected_uri_string: &'static str
+ };
+ let test_vectors = [
+ // general test vectors
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:8080/abc/def?foobar#ch2" },
+ // NOTE: uriparse unnecessarily adds a '/' character to the path for these cases.
+ // Technically it's not an error, but it differs from our C++ implementation
+ // and adds an unnecessary character.
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(0), path: "", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:0/?foobar#ch2" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(0), path: "", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some(""), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:0/?foobar#" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "", query: Some("bar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/?bar" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "", query: Some(""), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/?" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "/", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "/xyz", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/xyz" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: Some("example.com"), port: None, path: "/xyz/", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//example.com/xyz/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/xyz", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "/xyz" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/xyz/", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "/xyz/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "xyz", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "xyz" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "xyz/", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "xyz/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "", query: Some("bar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "?bar" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "", query: Some("bar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http:?bar" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http:" },
+ // NOTE: uriparse unnecessarily adds a '/' character to the path for this case.
+ // Technically it's not an error, but it differs from our C++ implementation
+ // and adds an unnecessary character.
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: None, host: Some("[::1]"), port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http://[::1]/" },
+ // FIXME: RFC 3986 allows the least-significant 32-bits of an
+ // IPv6 address to be represented in IPv4 address textual
+ // format, but unfortunately uriparse doesn't support it.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/sgodwincs/uriparse-rs/issues/17
+ //
+ // TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: None, host: Some("[::]"), port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http://[::]/" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: None, host: Some(""), port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: None, host: None, port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "" },
+ // Note: Because uriparse requires a host to emit any authority,
+ // we have to use some empty string for host to signal that
+ // we want to include an authority when we are building the URI.
+ //
+ // NOTE: uriparse unnecessarily adds a '/' character to the path for this case.
+ // Technically it's not an error, but it differs from our C++ implementation
+ // and adds an unnecessary character.
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some(""), port: None, path: "", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http://bob@/?foobar" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: Some("bob"), host: Some(""), port: None, path: "", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//bob@/?foobar" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: None, username: Some("bob"), host: Some(""), port: None, path: "", query: None, fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "//bob@/" },
+ // percent-encoded character test vectors
+ //
+ // NOTE: uriparse does not do the percent-encoding for us,
+ // but we can still verify that the URI builder works with them.
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("b%20b"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://b%20b@www.example.com:8080/abc/def?foobar#ch2" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.e%20ample.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.e%20ample.com:8080/abc/def?foobar#ch2" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/a%20c/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:8080/a%20c/def?foobar#ch2" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foo%20ar"), fragment: Some("ch2"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:8080/abc/def?foo%20ar#ch2" },
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("www.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("c%202"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@www.example.com:8080/abc/def?foobar#c%202" },
+ // Note: uriparse refuses to decode the percent encodings
+ // of non-ASCII characters, even if they represent valid
+ // UTF-8 encodings. So we have to keep them percent-encoded,
+ // unfortunately.
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("%E1%88%B4.example.com"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: None, expected_uri_string: "http://bob@%E1%88%B4.example.com:8080/abc/def?foobar" },
+ // normalization of IPv6 address hex digits
+ TestVector{ scheme: Some("http"), username: Some("bob"), host: Some("[fFfF::1]"), port: Some(8080), path: "/abc/def", query: Some("foobar"), fragment: Some("c%202"), expected_uri_string: "http://bob@[ffff::1]:8080/abc/def?foobar#c%202" },
+ ];
+ for test_vector in &test_vectors {
+ let mut uri_builder = uriparse::URIReferenceBuilder::new();
+ uri_builder
+ .scheme(test_vector.scheme.map(|scheme| uriparse::Scheme::try_from(scheme).unwrap()))
+ .authority(
+ match test_vector.host {
+ None => None,
+ Some(host) => Some(
+ uriparse::Authority::from_parts(
+ test_vector.username.map(|username| uriparse::Username::try_from(username).unwrap()),
+ None::<uriparse::Password>,
+ uriparse::Host::try_from(host).unwrap(),
+ test_vector.port
+ ).unwrap()
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ .path(uriparse::Path::try_from(test_vector.path).unwrap())
+ .query(test_vector.query.map(|query| uriparse::Query::try_from(query).unwrap()))
+ .fragment(test_vector.fragment.map(|fragment| uriparse::Fragment::try_from(fragment).unwrap()));
+ let uri = uri_builder.build().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ test_vector.expected_uri_string,
+ uri.to_string()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fragment_empty_but_present() {
+ let uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com#");
+ assert!(uri.is_ok());
+ let mut uri = uri.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(&uriparse::Fragment::try_from("").unwrap()),
+ uri.fragment()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/#");
+ uri.set_fragment(None::<uriparse::Fragment>).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/");
+ assert_eq!(None, uri.fragment());
+ let uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com");
+ assert!(uri.is_ok());
+ let mut uri = uri.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(None, uri.fragment());
+ uri.set_fragment(uriparse::Fragment::try_from("").ok()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(&uriparse::Fragment::try_from("").unwrap()),
+ uri.fragment()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/#");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn query_empty_but_present() {
+ let uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com?");
+ assert!(uri.is_ok());
+ let mut uri = uri.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(&uriparse::Query::try_from("").unwrap()),
+ uri.query()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/?");
+ uri.set_query(None::<uriparse::Query>).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/");
+ assert_eq!(None, uri.query());
+ let uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://example.com");
+ assert!(uri.is_ok());
+ let mut uri = uri.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(None, uri.query());
+ uri.set_query(uriparse::Query::try_from("").ok()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(&uriparse::Query::try_from("").unwrap()),
+ uri.query()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://example.com/?");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn make_a_copy() {
+ let mut uri1 = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://www.example.com/foo.txt").unwrap();
+ let mut uri2 = uri1.clone();
+ uri1.set_query(Some("bar")).unwrap();
+ uri2.set_fragment(Some("page2")).unwrap();
+ let mut uri2_new_auth = uri2.authority().unwrap().clone();
+ uri2_new_auth.set_host("example.com").unwrap();
+ uri2.set_authority(Some(uri2_new_auth)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri1.to_string(), "http://www.example.com/foo.txt?bar");
+ assert_eq!(uri2.to_string(), "http://example.com/foo.txt#page2");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn clear_query() {
+ let mut uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("http://www.example.com/?foo=bar").unwrap();
+ uri.set_query(None::<uriparse::Query>).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "http://www.example.com/");
+ assert_eq!(None, uri.query());
+ }
+ // NOTE: The following test is commented out because uriparse does not
+ // percent-encode '+' for us.
+ //
+ // #[test]
+ // fn percent_encode_plus_in_queries() {
+ // // Although RFC 3986 doesn't say anything about '+', some web services
+ // // treat it the same as ' ' due to how HTML originally defined how
+ // // to encode the query portion of a URL
+ // // (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2678551/when-to-encode-space-to-plus-or-20).
+ // //
+ // // To avoid issues with these web services, make sure '+' is
+ // // percent-encoded in a URI when the URI is encoded.
+ // let mut uri = uriparse::URIReference::try_from("").unwrap();
+ // uri.set_query(Some("foo+bar")).unwrap();
+ // assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), "?foo%2Bbar");
+ // }