# A lot of the styles we want can only be configured # using unstable features. # # If you have trouble running rustfmt, try "cargo +nightly fmt". unstable_features = true edition = "2018" fn_args_layout = "Vertical" format_code_in_doc_comments = true imports_layout = "Vertical" match_block_trailing_comma = true max_width = 80 merge_imports = true normalize_comments = true normalize_doc_attributes = true overflow_delimited_expr = true reorder_impl_items = true struct_lit_single_line = false use_field_init_shorthand = true use_small_heuristics = "Off" use_try_shorthand = true wrap_comments = true # This one isn't released yet. #fn_call_width = 40 # These are already set to the defaults, but they are things # we really want to make sure are set, just in case defaults change. reorder_imports = true reorder_modules = true space_after_colon = true space_before_colon = false tab_spaces = 4