configMy personal config files.5 months
html5tokenizerFork of html5gum with code span support7 months
spec.pubRedirects to specification publications.8 months
gitpadA git web interface with editing and Markdown support.11 months
osm-proposalsSource code for months
dynamizeA proc macro to enable trait objects with variable associated types16 months
mw-codeA MediaWiki extension for code pages, code actions and code linkification.17 months
mw-voteA MediaWiki extension for proposal votes on months
mw-redirect-authA MediaWiki extension for logging in with an external identity provider.18 months
sputnikA lightweight layer on top of hyper to facilitate building web applications.21 months
osmwiki-overpass-importA script to import data from the Overpass API into months
quackmarkComparison of type checkers for Python.2 years
pydoc.devConsistent API docs for Python (inspired by years
toolsSome scripts.2 years
webcatnetcat for websockets3 years
urisFork of rhymuri with a small bug fix