AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
11 daysbuild: introduce NixOS package & serviceHEADmasterMartin Fischer
11 dayschore: add licenseMartin Fischer
11 dayschore: add .prettierrc.tomlMartin Fischer
12 daysfeat: implement sharing UIMartin Fischer
12 daysfix: route on hashchangeMartin Fischer
12 daysrefactor: build DOM via JSMartin Fischer
12 daysrefactor: introduce route and parseLatLon functionsMartin Fischer
12 daysrefactor: define available links as constantMartin Fischer
It makes sense to treat configuration as data (that could be (de)serialized in the future).
12 daysrefactor: remove unused name and zoom featuresMartin Fischer
12 daysdocs: add README.mdMartin Fischer
2022-10-23initial commitMartin Fischer