

A MediaWiki extension that builds on SyntaxHighlight to provide the following (all in a configurable manner):

  • shorter tags
    e.g. <query> instead of <syntaxhighlight lang=sparql>

  • code actions
    e.g. automatically link the WDQS for SPARQL code blocks[^1]

  • code pages
    e.g. automatically higlight pages with names ending in .rq as SPARQL (and also display the code actions for them)

  • customizable code display via Lua/Scribunto
    e.g. automatically link Wikidata identifiers in code blocks

Example configuration

$wgCode_namespacesWithCodePages[NS_MAIN] = true;

$wgCode_languages[] = [
    'tag' => 'query',
    'pygmentsLexer' => 'sparql',
    'actions' => [
        'run' => 'https://query.wikidata.org/#$code',
        'embed' => 'https://query.wikidata.org/embed.html#$code',
    'suffix' => '.rq',

Customizable code display

The display of code blocks can be customized via Lua/Scribunto. For example if you specify e.g. "scribuntoModule" => "QueryCode" for a language then this extension will additionally invoke the Module:QueryCode Scribunto module for every code tag and code page. Such a module could look as follows:

local p = {}

p.formatCode = function(frame)
    local code, tag, is_code_page = frame.args[1], frame.args[2], frame.args[3]
    local formattedCode = frame.args[4]
    formattedCode = formattedCode:gsub('[QP][0-9]+', function(m)
       local a = mw.html.create('a')
       a:attr('href', 'https://www.wikidata.org/entity/' .. m)
       return tostring(a)
    return formattedCode;

p.additionalOutput = function(frame)
    local code, tag, is_code_page = frame.args[1], frame.args[2], frame.args[3]
    -- HTML returned here is displayed after the code action links

return p

Note that the returned strings are not parsed as Wikitext they must already be HTML; any dangerous tags and attributes are removed via MediaWiki's builtin Sanitizer class.

Linking code actions

Code actions can be linked from other pages via the Special:CodeAction special page, e.g. Special:CodeAction/run/Example.rq attempts to execute the run action for the Example.rq code page and redirect the user accordingly.


  1. Place the extension in your extensions directory.
  2. Add wfLoadExtension('Code'); to your LocalSettings.php.
  3. Visit Special:CodeAction it will tell you what other configuration you need.

(If you want syntax highlighting via SyntaxHighlight, additionally add wfLoadExtension('SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi'); to your LocalSettings.php).

[^1]: While this can also be achieved just via MediaWiki templates, this bears the problem that | has to be escaped as {{!}}, which can be quite annoying for languages like SPARQL that use | as an operator.